Aplicación de "CRS Bundle" Patches con OPATCH AUTO
Recuerdo que la aplicación de patches “CRS Bundle” para una instalacion con Oracle RAC 10g R2 o superior era tedioso por la cantidad de pasos y consideraciones que se debia cumplir para CRS_HOME, ASM_HOME y DATABASE_HOME. No quiero decir que es complicado sino que habia que estar bien despierto para que no nos “perdamos” ni un paso.
Oracle ha mejorado la forma de aplicar este tipo de parches a través de su tool OPATCH y ha incluido la funcionalidad OPATCH AUTO que realmente optimiza tiempo y esfuerzo ya que detecta y automatiza el proceso de aplicacion de un “CRS Bundle”
A continuación muestro mas referencia del comando, lo demás se encuentra en el README de los ultimos patches de “CRS Bundle”
: opatch auto -h # to see this message
: This command must be run as root user and needs Opatch version
: or above.
: Case 1 – On each node of the CRS cluster in case of Non Shared CRS Home.
: Case 2 – On any one node of the CRS cluster is case of Shared CRS home.
:Patch Location
: Path to the location for the patch. If the patch
: location is not specified, then the current directory
: is taken as the patch location
: -rollback The patch will be rolled back, not applied
: -oh Comma seperated oralce homes to patch
: The default is all applicable Oracle Homes.
: use this option to patch RDBMS homes where
: no database is registered.
: -och Path of Oracle Clusterware home.
: use this option to patch only clusterware home
: with stack down.Do not use this option with CRS
: stack up. This only patches the Clusterware home
: Suggested mode of operation:
:# 1. apply the patch with the unzipped patch location
: This applies the patch to all applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto <Patch Location>
:# 2. Rollback the patch.
: This rolls back the patch from all the applicable homes on the machine
: opatch auto -rollback <Patch Location>
:# 3. apply the patch with -oh option
: This option allows to apply patch on selective list of oracle homes
: opatch auto <Patch Location> -oh /tmp/oh1,/tmp/oh2,/tmp/oh3
:# 4. apply the patch with -och option
: This option is used to only patch the CRS home when
: Clusterware stack is down.
: opatch auto <Patch Location> -och /tmp/ora_crs_home
En: Oracle RAC el 12/17/2009
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